$875.00 USD

By clicking here, I agree to the following: I understand that the views and advice expressed by Doctor Erin Health, LLC are meant for educational purposes only and are not a substitute for conventional medical care. Purchasing a program or a product does not establish a doctor-patient relationship with Dr. Erin Faules. No information offered here should be interpreted as a diagnosis or as an attempt to prevent or cure any disease or condition. I also understand that Dr. Erin Faules is not a professor or licensed educator. If I have or suspect I have a medical problem, I will contact my medical provider right away! 

Initial Consultation

A two-visit consultation plan for comprehensive review of autoimmune or other complex clinical scenarios. Included in plan:

  • One 60 minute visit to review history and determine appropriate diagnostics to order.
    • In depth history questionnaire provided prior to visit to optimize time spent.
    • Labs at additional patient cost.
  • One 60 minute visit to review diagnostic data and determine personalized plan of action.